Aaron Weter

Spanish quiz

A Spanish quiz happened on Monday. The quiz tested grammar and other Spanish words. You could have won Duolingo to avoid taking the quiz. Jonathan Emmons was winning the contest with an impressive 2,000 xp, until Aaron Weter came back on Monday and wiped him away with over 3,000 xp. The quiz was on paper…

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The Arctic Report

It’s snowing in Huslia, and it’s very windy if you’re walking uptown the roads, so wear winter gear unless you want to be cold. The snow is expected to continue throughout the day, with winds making it feel much colder than the thermometer reads. Drivers should be cautious on the roads, as visibility may be…

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Halloween is just 24 days away, and it promises to be an exciting time filled with candy and a thrilling carnival featuring a haunted attraction! Get ready for spooky fun and sweet treats as we celebrate the season! Halloween started over 2,000 years ago with the ancient Celts, who celebrated a festival called Samhain. They…

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